The film was produced in 1942, this period is primarily a period of war and also corresponds to the use of flame film (nitrate film )....
This one is special to ignite when his chemistry becomes unstable or a source of heat activates it. When the flame burns movie, there is no way to extinguish it.
It will be used until the '50s, and then be banned and replaced by the tri acetate film (film secure or safety, because it does not ignite).
Chronicle of a restoration
1 / For the beginnings of restoration: The inventory
Initially, we had to combine the individual images and audio elements in one place, in order to conduct an inventory.
This inventory is intended to identify every element of listings in its box and check the contents of the box corresponds to what one might expect.
The second step is to compare the statements and select the best theoretically could be used for restoration.
In order, the selection to items that nitrates are the original sources, with the image: the original negative, brown, possibly duplicate negative and / or copies.
For safety items: brown, dupes and copies.
Each element is rich in information, it helps to understand the state of the film at a time T.
2 / Choice of elements and qualities.
In the case of the film "Les Visiteurs du soir," the negative image nitrate was compared to a brown sound safety (undated, but posterior to the 50s).
It was found that the brown safety has fewer defects than those currently on the negative. Those are the type:
1- Missing frames.
2- Frames with breaks.
By cons, this one shows the failings of the prints of the period, which were made to dry:
1- Dust in large numbers.
2- Points of ice
3- Many pinstripes
being photographed all of the negative. Finally, the brown is sound, the soundtrack sometimes slightly beyond the frame camera (left side).
The medium brown is the cons in good condition.
The negative features for its part, many cracks and missing frames.
The media begins to curl, many old remedies no longer hold, the glue that was used has increased the deformation of the film now blocked.
The contretypes (internegative) found were compared at various points and especially on hilly sequences, they correspond in all respects to brown checked.
They are posterior to brown safety.
One of the last checks were made on a copy nitrate, it has been drawn between the years 42 and 50.
It contains the same defects common to the negative nitrate and brown safety.
This indicates that the negative nitrate has suffered significant damage, after installation, and it has certainly helped make copies nitrate std.
3 / The first tests and results.
Despite the poor condition of the negative nitrate, an attempt to draw a new brown is made.
This requires full rebuild old repairs, and make new ones.
The draw is then performed by immersion.
The first reel of the new brown and old will both be scanned.
They will then be projected in 2K to identify defects and qualities of two. To do a basic calibration will be applied to each element so that the image is equivalent.
If the new draw is free of dust photographed, he reveals another very important problem, the left side is totally blurred, while the general picture is not clear. Ultimately it also gives an impression of lack of definition.
This is due to the warped state of the negative, that despite the pressing of the shooter can not maintain a position in the draft plan. Change of plans generate significant distortions.
Moreover, we already know that the negative is more rugged than the old brown.
The old chestnut for its part has many small scratches and dust photographed.
It includes every change in terms of major shifts.
The general definition is rather very good, except for plans replaced by the duplicate negative (which are also present in the negative).
The draw is correct with little triggers.
This element also includes fewer defects than the negative.
The choice is made quickly, the new edition brings a blurred image, while the former is sharp (but with lots of dust).
We will use the old chestnut to perform the calibration.
This will be done on a week in 2K projection.
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